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Hello World!

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Source Code

 * Write a description of class Test here.
 * Program Data Diri
 * @author Satria Ade Veda Karuniawan
 * @version 0.1
public class Test
    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
      public Test()
          String nama = "Satria Ade Veda Karuniawan";
          String kelas = "PBO A";
          String alamat = "Jl. Rajawali 4 no 2 Rewwin Sidoarjo";
          String email = "";
          String blog = "";
          String nomor = "081615522636";
          String twitter = "@SatriaAdeVK2";
          System.out.println("Nama          : " + nama);
          System.out.println("Kelas         : " + kelas);
          System.out.println("Alamat Rumah  : " + alamat);
          System.out.println("Email         : " + email);
          System.out.println("Blog          : " + blog);
          System.out.println("No HP/ WA     : " + nomor);
          System.out.println("Twitter       : " + twitter);


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